Apple censura l’app Phone Story

Come sorprendersi, Apple come ogni Corporation non ha niente di democratico.
Percio’  dopo poche ore dal rilascio dell’App che denuncia il processo produttivo degli iPhone viene censurata e rimossa.

Qui le motivazioni e la risposta degli autori.

Phone Story was pulled from the iTunes App Store on Tuesday September 13 at 11.35am, only few hours after its official announcement.

Apple explained that the game is in violation of the following guidelines*:

15.2 Apps that depict violence or abuse of children will be rejected

16.1 Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected

21.1 Apps that include the ability to make donations to recognized charitable organizations must be free

21.2 The collection of donations must be done via a web site in Safari or an SMS

We contest the violation 21.1 and 21.2 since it’s not possible to make donationsthrough Phone Story. Molleindustria simply pledged to redirect the revenues to no-profit organizations, acting independently.

We are currently considering two steps:

. Produce a new version of Phone Story that depicts the violence and abuse of children involved in the electronic manufacturing supply chain in a non-crude and non-objectionable way.

. Release a version for the Android market and jailbroken ios devices.

The users who managed to buy the app before it went offline are now owners of a rare collector edition piece.

We’ll be posting further updates on our twitter


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