Germania: sequestrati alcuni server TOR

Giovedi scorso la polizia tedesca ha sequestrato una decina di server della rete TOR. Le motivazioni del sequestro, ancora una volta, si riferirebbero ad indagini contro la pornografia infantile: argomento collaudato con cui ormai si giustifica all’occhio dell’opinione pubblica qualsiasi azione di sequestro o repressione delle tecnologie di protezione della privacy.
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No Responses to “Germania: sequestrati alcuni server TOR”

  1. Shava Nerad Says:

    Last week, a few Tor exit-node servers were seized by the German police in a massive sting against child pornography. From our friends on the ground in Germany, we hear that dozens and dozens of machines may have been seized.

    So far as we know only six of those were Tor servers. We have heard from the server operators. None of them has been charged.

    This is not a “crackdown” on Tor, as has been widely reported. We expect and hope that the volunteer Tor server operators in Germany will get their equipment back after this has blown over, and there will be no action against Tor.

    Please contact me for more information.

    Shava Nerad
    executive director
    The Tor Project
    shava -at- freehaven -dot- net